eBay can sometimes feel like the Wild West, buying products from unknown sellers before laying eyes on the item. But eBay Daily Deals are different. They are curated by the eBay commerce team and are almost always great deals on name-brand items from reputable resellers (Best Buy, Newegg, Buy, etc). The eBay Black Friday Deal Frenzy has been revealed and showcases several standout deals.
One of the best deals is an iPad mini for $239. That is the greatest dollar-off discount we’ve ever seen on Apple’s tiny tablet. You may be able to get an effective lower price this Black Friday from retailers like Walmart, but remember gift card promos are only good if you have a genuine use for the card. You will also be able to save 10% on a $100 Target gift card and pick up Call Of Duty:Ghosts for $39.99.
We expect several more deals to come to light once the Frenzy starts next week on November 29th. Stay tuned to 9to5Toys to keep up with the latest deals as they drop this Black Friday. Check out our complete coverage of Black Friday here. (via Gottadeal)
Filed under: Black Friday Tagged: Apple, Black Friday, Call of Duty: Ghosts, ebay daily deals, ipad mini, Target